Chargé de Recherche CNRS
  • ANR/DGA project (2017 - 2022): Tools for image forensics (Defals challenge), mainly with Dr. Patrick Bas, Dr. Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, Dr. François Cayre, Ludovic Darmet (Ph.D. student) and Ivan Castillo Camacho (Ph.D. student)
  • PERSYVAL-Lab exploratory project (2016 - 2017): Identifying and understanding the Difference between natural Images and computer-Generated images (IDIG), with Prof. Dong-Ming Yan, Weize Quan (Ph.D. student) and Minh Kha Nguyen (Master intern student).
  • AGIR (Alpes Grenoble Innovation Recherche) project (2015 - 2016): Towards universal Anti-Forensics and Forensics of digital Images (TAFFI), with Dr. François Cayre and Dr. Anh Thu Phan Ho (Postdoctoral research fellow).
  • ARC6 Rhône-Alpes Regional Project (2013 - 2016): Perceptual quality Assessment of Dynamic MEshes and its applications (PADME), with Prof. Florent Dupont, Prof. Franck Hétroy-Wheeler and Georges Nader (Ph.D. student).

Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique laboratoire

UMR 5216 CNRS - Grenoble INP - University of Grenoble Alpes