Research fellow at CNRS
Imitation and Phonetic convergence

M. Sato, J-L Schwartz, P. Perrier, C. Savariaux - GIPSA-lab (Grenoble)
L. Lamalle - INSERM (Grenoble)
S. Cai - MIT (Boston)

SPIM ANR Project


in construction ...


in construction ...

Communications :

Sato, M., Grabski, K., Garnier, M., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L. and Nguyen, N. (en pr�paration) "Converging to a common speech code: imitative and perceptuo-motor recalibration processes in speech production"

Garnier, M., Lamalle, L. and Sato, M. (2011). "Neural correlates of phonetic convergence and speech imitation", ISSP, Montreal, Canada.

Sato, M., Grabski, K., Garnier, M., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L. and Nguyen, N. (2011). "Plasticity of auditory goals in speech production: behavioral evidence from phonetic convergence and speech imitation", ISSP, Montreal, Canada.

Garnier, M., Lamalle, L. and Sato, M. (2011). "Neural correlates of voluntary and automatic imitation", HBM, Quebec city, Canada

Sato, M., Grabski, K., Garnier, M., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L. and Nguyen, N. (2010). "Converging to a common speech code: automatic imitative and perceptuo-motor recalibration processes in speech communication". Second Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, USA.

Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique laboratoire

UMR 5216 CNRS - Grenoble INP - Université Joseph Fourier - Université Stendhal