CNRS Senior Researcher
PhD & PostDocs

PhD students

  • Yubo Bai, Boundary control of PDEs, with Zhiqiang Wang, 2022-
  • Ghadeer Shaaban, Magneto-Visual-Inertial Navigation with Invariance and Learning: Improving Estimation in Benign Cases and under Attacks, with H. Fourati and A. Kibangou, 2022-
  • Raphaël Neymann, Magneto-inertial navigation: improving the performance of estimation filters, with A. Girard and H. Lhachemi, 2021-
  • François Guerret, Magneto-inertial navigation: estimation of motion parameters from magnetic field measurements and inertial sensor data, with A. Girard, 2021-
  • Paul Daoudi, Control strategies and Reinforcement Learning, with B. Robu, 2021-2024
    • Now
  • Colin Cros, Cooperative positioning using pseudorange measurements: solvability and conservative algorithms, with P.-O. Amblard, 2021-2024
    • Now PostDoc in Toulouse (France).
  • Hugo Parada, Control and stabilization of PDE on networks, with E. Crépeau, 2020-2023
    • Now PostDoc in Toulouse (France).
  • Suha Shreim, Control of partial differential equations in the presence of saturated actuators and perturbations, with F. Ferrante, 2019-2022
    • Now Research Engineer in Toulouse (France).
  • Roza Cherfi, Magneto-inertial navigation with visual data, with N. Le Bihan, 2019-2022
    • Now Data Scientist in Toulouse (France).
  • Lina Guan, Optimal boundary traffic control and state estimation with disturbances, with Liguo Zhang, 2019-2022
    • Now PostDoc in Waterloo (Canada).
  • Nicolas Vanspranghe, Contributions to infinite-dimensional nonlinear control theory, with F. Ferrante, 2019-2022
    • Best academic thesis award from Univ. Grenoble Alpes in 2022
    • Now PostDoc in Tampere (Finland).
  • Makia Zmitri, Magnetometer array-based indoor navigation using Kalman filter, with H. Fourati, 2018-2021
    • Now Data Scientist at Amiral Technologies, Grenoble (France).
  • Esteban Hernandez, Boundary controllability, stabilization and tracking problems for parabolic systems, with E. Cerpa, co-tutelle with Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile), 2017-2021
  • Thérèze Azar, Identification and control of diffusion systems, with L. Autrique and L. Perez, 2017-2021
  • Constantinos Kitsos, Observers synthesis and infinite dimensional systems, with G. Besançon, 2017-2020
    • Now post-doc at Nantes Univ. (France).
  • Charles-Ivan Chesneau, Observers synthesis, with M. Hillion, 2015-2018
    • Now researcher at Safran (France).
  • Christophe Roman, Boundary control of a wave equation with in-domain damping, with D. Bresch-Pietri and O. Sename, 2015-2018.
    • Now Associate Professor at Aix-Marseille University (France).
  • Alexandre Vieira, Optimal control of linear complementary systems, with B. Brogliato, 2015-2018.
    • Now Research-engineer in Pollen Metrology, Grenoble (France).
  • Nicolás Espitia, Event-based control of networks modeled by infinite-dimensional systems, with A. Girard and N. Marchand, 2014-2017.
    • Now CNRS Researcher at CRIStAL, Lille (France).
  • Swann Marx, Stabilization methods of nonlinear systems with partial measures and constraint inputs, with V. Andrieu, 2014-2017.
    • Now CNRS Researcher at LS2N, Nantes (France).
  • Andre Caldeira, Dynamic boundary control of coupled PDE-ODE systems, with D. Coutinho, co-tutelle with Univ. of Florianopolis (Brazil), 2014-2017.
    • Now Lecturer at Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
  • Bojan Mavkov, Control of coupled transport in tokamak plasmas, with E. Witrant, 2013-2017.
    • Now Associate Professor at Univ. Cote d'Azur, Sophia-Antipolis (France).
  • Ying Tang, Stability analysis and Tikhonov approximation for linear singularly perturbed hyperbolic systems, with A. Girard, 2012-2015.
    • Now associate professor at Lille University (France).
  • Pierre-Olivier Lamare, Control of hyperbolic systems by Lyapunov analysis, with A. Girard, 2012-2015.
    • Now Research-engineer in SAFT (France).
  • Humberto Stein Shiromoto, Stabilization under local and global constraints, with V. Andrieu, 2011-2014.
    • Prize of the best french PhD thesis delivered by GDRMacs.
    • Now Research-engineer in QBE Insurance, Sydney (Australia).
  • Francesco Fichera, Lyapunov techniques for a class of hybrid systems and reset controller syntheses for continuous-time plants, with S. Tarbouriech, 2010-2013.
    • Now Senior R&D project manager at Valeo, Paris (France).
  • Federico Bribiesca Argomedo, Infinite dimensional control and input-to-state stability of the safety factor profile in a tokamak plasma, with E. Witrant, 2009-2012.
    • Now Associate Professor at INSA Lyon (France).
  • Bogdan Robu, Active vibration control of a fluid/plate system, with L. Baudouin, 2007-2010.
    • Now Associate Professor at Grenoble University (France).
  • Josep Boada, Satellite control with saturating inputs, with S. Tarbouriech, 2007-2010.
    • Now researcher at Airbus (France).
  • Thomas Loquen, Some results on reset control systems, with S. Tarbouriech, 2006-2010.
    • Now researcher at ONERA (France).


  • Andrea Mattioni, AIBot support, with P. Frasca, 2021-2022.
  • Xiang Dai, Thales-Safran collaboration, with H. Fourati, 2021-2022.
  • Mohammad Rasool Mojallizadeh, Schneider collaboration, with B . Brogliato, 2021-2022.
  • Christophe Roman, Drilling test-bench, with D. Bresch-Pietri and F. Di Meglio, 2018-2019.
    • Now Associate Professor at Aix-Marseille University (France).
  • Dan Pilbauer, Drilling control system, with D. Bresch-Pietri and F. Di Meglio, 2017-2018.
    • Now Research-engineer in European Southern Observatory, Munich, Germany.
  • Miguel Davo-Navarro, Wave equation, with D. Bresch-Pietri and F. Di Meglio, 2017-2018.
    • Now Research-engineer in Altran Innovación, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Miguel Davo-Navarro, Stability theory for limited-information systems, with M. Fiacchini, 2016.
  • Aneel K. Tanwani, Stability theory for limited-information systems, with M. Fiacchini, 2013-2014.
    • Now CNRS researcher at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse.
  • Aneel K. Tanwani, Observability of Hybrid Systems, with B. Brogliato, 2011-2013.
  • Mirko Fiacchini, Stability of systems with isolated nonlinearities, with S. Tarbouriech, 2009-2010.
    • Now CNRS Researcher at the Gipsa-lab, Grenoble.
  • Shruti Agarwal, Control of ferromagnetic materials, with G. Carbou, 2008-2009.
    • Now Professor at Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, India.
  • Lucie Baudouin, Robust control of an adaptive system, with D. Arzelier, 2005-2006.
    • Now CNRS Researcher at the LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse.

Christophe PRIEUR, Gipsa-lab, CNRS - Univ. Grenoble Alpes