Ahmad Hably, PhD HDR


Ideas for the research

  • Printing a “pass sanitaire” or using it from your smart phone?

Old news

  • (Dec 2020) My new office is B131.

  • (Dec 2020) My paper in TAC on “Escort function definitions for feasible region flexibility in applications of Replicator-like dynamics with constraints” has been accepted

  • (Dec 2020) New videos on the optimization, control, programming Matlab and Julia are available (see courses and tutorial page)

  • (Sept 2020) I have joined Section Board Member of “Energies” an Open Access Journal by MDPI

  • (Sept 2020) I have been elected to the grade of Senior Member by the IEEE

  • Our paper “Bounded attitude control of rigid bodies: Real-time experimentation to a quadrotor mini-helicopter” is in the top 25 most cited papers since 2011 (among more than 1000) of Control Engineering Practice (co-authors : J.-F. Guerrero-Castellanos, N. Marchand, S. Lesecq and J. Delamare; Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 19(8), pp. 790-797, 2011)

Old projects

2019: Industrial contract with “Suez”.
2017: Industrial contract with “Engie”. Partner Engie and ENSE3.
2015-2016: Industrial contract with “VM2C”.
2015-2016: Industrial contract with “Cosmica”. Partners Cosmica spacelines and Airstar-light company.

2013-2017: PERSYVAL-lab project “Persycup”.
2018-2020: IDEX formation project “CRUGA”.
2014-2016: PERSYVAL-lab project “Hydraulic valley”.

2013-2017: “PARADISE” ANR project. Partners: G2ELAB, CEA/INES-L2S, LBMS, SOREA, SOCOMEC, AER.
2012-2014: “Smart Energy” Grenoble-Inp project. Partners: G2Elab, G-SCOP and LIG.
2013-2017: ARC Energies Rhone-Alpes project. Partner: G2Elab.
2016-2017: “Drone Captif” Project of Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.