Research fellow at CNRS


Rhythmic tapping difficulties in adults who stutter: a deficit in beat perception, motor execution, or sensorimotor integration?
Slis, A., Savariaux, C. Perrier, P. & Garnier, M.
PlosOne 18 2 (2023), e0276691
Lip hyper-articulation in loud voice: Effect on resonance-harmonic proximity
Garnier, M., Smith, J. & Wolfe, J.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 52 6 (2022), 3695-3705
  Make That Sound More Metallic: Towards a Perceptually Relevant Control of the Timbre of Synthesizer Sounds Using Variational Autoencoder.
Roche, F., Hueber, T., Garnier, M., Limier, S. & Girin, L.
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (2021)
The ConDialInt Model: Condensation, Dialogality, and Intentionality Dimensions of Inner Speech Within a Hierarchical Predictive Control Framework.
Grandchamp, R., Rapin, L., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Pichat, C., Haldin, C. et al.
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers 10 (2019), pp.2019
  Hyper-articulation in Lombard speech: An active communicative strategy to enhance visible speech cues?
Garnier, M., Ménard, L. et Alexandre, B.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 2 (2018), 1059-1074.
Vocal change patterns during a teaching day: Inter-and intra-subject variability
Remacle, A., Garnier, M., Gerber, S., David, C. and Petillon, C.
Journal of Voice 32 1 (2018), 57-63.
  Physiological and acoustic characteristics of the male music theatre voice
Bourne, T., Garnier, M. and Samson, A.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 1 (2016), 610-621.
Speaking in noise: How does the Lombard effect improve acoustic contrasts between speech and ambient noise?
Garnier, M. and Henrich, N.
Computer Speech and Language 28 (2014), 580-597.
  Neural correlates of phonetic convergence and speech imitation
Garnier, M., Lamalle, L. and Sato, M.
Frontiers in Psychology (2013), Article 600 .
The listening talker: A review of human and algorithmic context-induced modifications of speech
Cooke, M., King, S., Garnier, M. and Aubanel, V.
Computer Speech and Language 28 (2014), 543-571.
  Converging toward a common speech code: imitative and perceptuo-motor recalibration processes in speech production
Sato, M., Grabski, K., Garnier, M., Granjon, L., Schwartz, JL. and Nguyen, N.
Frontiers in Psychology (2013), Article 422.
Physiological and acoustic characteristics of four qualities in the female music theatre voice
Bourne, T. and Garnier, M.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 2 (2012) 1586-1594.
  Glottal behavior in the high soprano range and the transition to the whistle register
Garnier, M., Henrich, N., Crevier Buchman, L., Vincent, C., Smith, J. and Wolfe, J.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 1 (2012), 951-962.
Music theatre voice: Production, physiology and pedagogy
Bourne, T., Garnier, M. and Kenny, D.
Journal of Singing (2012), 437-444.
  Influence of sound immersion and communicative interaction on the Lombard effect
Garnier, M., Henrich, N. and Dubois, D.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 53 3 (2010), 588-608.
Vocal tract adjustments in the high soprano range
Garnier, M., Henrich, N., Wolfe, J., and Smith, J.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 6 (2010) 3771-3780.
  Vocal tract resonances in speech, singing and playing musical instruments
Wolfe, J., Garnier, M., and Smith, J.
HFSP Journal 3 1 (2008) 6-23.
Towards a common terminology to describe voice quality in Western lyrical singing: Contribution of a multidisciplinary research group
Henrich, N., Bezard, P., Expert, R., Garnier, M., Guerin, C., Pillot, C., Quattrocchi, S., Roubeau, B. and Terk, B.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies 2 1-2 (2008) 71-83.
  Characterisation of Voice Quality in Western Lyrical Singing: from Teachers's Judgements to Acoustic Descriptions
Garnier, M., Henrich, N., Castellengo, M., Sotiropoulos, D. and Dubois, D.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies 1 2 (2007) 62-91.

Etude de la qualité vocale dans le chant lyrique
Garnier, M., Henrich, N., Dubois, D., Castellengo M., Poitevineau, J. and Sotiropoulos, D.
Scolia 20 (2005) 151-169.



The mechanics and acoustics of the singing voice: registers, resonances and the source-filter interaction
Wolfe, J., Garnier, M., Henrich Bernardoni, N. and Smith, J.
Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing: Volume I Development.
Ed. F. Russo, B. Ilari, A. Cohen. (2018).
  Music theatre voice: Production, physiology and pedagogy
Bourne, T., Garnier, M. and Kenny, D.
Perspectives on teaching singing: australian vocal pedagogues sing their stories
Ed. S. Harrisson. Australian Academic Press, Melbourne (2011).
Forçage vocal et efficacité de communication
Garnier, M.
La voix dans tous ses maux. Ed. P. Gatignol, Ortho Edition, Paris (2009) pp. 83-107.
  Bruit et voix: de l'adaptation au forçage vocal. Conceptions et implications méthodologiques.
Garnier, M., Dubois, D. and Henrich, N.
Perturbations et Réajustements. Langue et langage. Ed. B. Vaxelaire, R. Sock, G., Kleiber et F. Marsac (2007) pp. 63-71.



Efforts de production de parole chez les personnes qui bégaient.
Garnier, M., Da Fonseca, A., Savariaux, C. and Cattelain, T.
Proc. of JEP, Aix en Provence (2018).
  Clarification et correction d'indices segmentaux : une étude pilote sur les consonnes occlusives du français.
Garnier, M., Dohen, M., Buttiaux, L. and Gerber, S.
Proc. of JEP, Aix en Provence (2018).
Efforts and coordination in the production of bilabial consonants
Garnier, M., Bouhake, S. and Jeannin, C.
Proceedings of ISSP, Cologne (2014).
  Effect of being seen on the production of visible speech cues. A pilot EMA study
Garnier, M., Ménard, L. and  Richard, G.
Proceedings of Interspeech, Portand, USA (2012).
The tuning of vocal resonances and the upper limit to the high soprano range
Garnier, M., Henrich, N., Smith, J. and Wolfe, J.
Actes de ISMA, Katoomba, Australie (2010).
  Physiological and acoustic characteristics of the female music theatre voice in belt and legit qualities
Bourne, T. and Garnier, M.
Actes de ISMA, Katoomba, Australie (2010).
May speech modifications in noise contribute to enhance audio-visible cues to segment perception?
Garnier, M.
Actes de AVSP, Moreton Island (2008).
  Interrelationship between vocal effort and vocal tract acoustics: a pilot study
Garnier, M., Wolfe, J., Henrich, N. and Smith, J.
Actes de ICSLP, Brisbane (2008).

The Lombard effect: a physiological reflex or a controlled intelligibility enhancement
Garnier, M., Bailly, L., Dohen, M., Welby, P. and Loevenbruck, H.
Actes de ISSP, Ubatuba (2006).

An acoustic and articulatory study of Lombard speech. Global effects at utterance level
Garnier, M., Bailly, L., Dohen, M., Welby, P. and Loevenbruck, H.
Actes de ICSLP, Pittsburgh (2006).
Etude acoustique et articulatoire de la parole Lombard. Effets globaux sur l'énoncé
Garnier, M., Bailly, L., Dohen, M., Welby, P. and Loevenbruck, H.
Actes des XXVIèmes Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Dinard (2006).
  Constitution de corpus de parole semi-spontanée en environnement bruyant : intérêts et applications d'une telle méthodologie
Garnier, M., Dubois, D. and Henrich, N.
Actes des Rencontres jeunes chercheurs en parole, Paris (2006).
Peut-on considérer l'effet Lombard comme un phénomène linéaire en fonction du niveau de bruit ?
Garnier, M., Henrich, N., Dubois, D. and Polack, J.D.
Actes du VIIIème Congrès Francais d'Acoustique, Tours (2004).
  Perception et mise en langue de la qualité vocale dans le chant lyrique
Garnier, M., Dubois, D., Poitevineau, J., Henrich, N. and Castellengo M.
Actes de la journée le Sensolier, Paris (2004).
Description verbale et acoustique de la qualité vocale dans le chant lyrique
Garnier, M., Dubois, D., Poitevineau, J., Henrich, N. and Castellengo M.
Actes d'ICVPB, Marseille (2004).
  Perception et description verbale de la qualité vocale dans le chant lyrique : une approche cognitive
Garnier, M., Dubois, D., Poitevineau, J., Henrich, N. and Castellengo M.
Actes des XXVèmes Journees d'Etudes sur la Parole, Fez (2004).


Communiquer en environnement bruyant : de l'adaptation jusqu'au forçage vocal
Garnier, M.
Ph.D manuscript, Université Paris 6 (2007).


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UMR 5216 CNRS - Grenoble INP - Université Joseph Fourier - Université Stendhal