ROBOTEX2.0 is accepted as one of the French National Research Infrastructure
TIRREX EQUIPEX+ funded by Investissements d'Avenir
“Visites Insolites” of the CNRS: Robots aériens, un parcours d’obstacles. See how our UAV avoid obstacles in real time !
STRAD project funded by ANR with ICUBE was accepted
DARK-NAV project funded by ANR with ICUBE, ISM and SUEZ was accepted
TAMOS project funded by DGA with SQUADRONE Systems and SAFRAN was accepted
ECOS project TOBACCO with Pr. Jose-Fermi Castellanos GUERRERO at the Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) was accepted
Our paper “Bounded attitude control of rigid bodies: Real-time experimentation to a quadrotor mini-helicopter” is in the top 25 most cited papers since 2011 (among more than 1000) of Control Engineering Practice (co-authors : J.-F. Guerrero-Castellanos, A. Hably, S. Lesecq and J. Delamare; Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 19(8), pp. 790-797, 2011)
Scientific interests
My research is focused on one central theoretical topic and two main applicative topics:
Event-based control, asynchronous control of linear and non linear systems
Control and stabilization of flying robots and more specifically using bio inspired strategies. The weight constraints and therefore the computation and energy limitations, the highly nonlinear dynamics coupled with a difficult identification of parameters renders this problem very challenging.
Control theory for computer sciences. Computer science is a relatively new area for control theory. My work is focused on the control of systems on chips and cloud systems and more recently privacy.
BOARR : A Benchmark for quadrotors Obstacle Avoidance using ROS and RotorS
This package main purpose is to test and compare the multiple existing avoidance algorithm for quadrotors with the hope that comparing the results could help choosing promising directions for future developments on autonomous obstacle avoidance.
Can be downloaded on github
PhD Students
SKANTZIKAS Konstantinos (oct. 2022-today) “Cooperative transportation with a multi-robot system”, coll. L. Brinon (GIPSA-lab)
NDOYE Abdoulah (oct. 2022-today) “Asynchronous SLAM using flash-based photolocation sensors”, coll. F. Ruffier (ISM) and A. Negre (GIPSA-lab)
POUTHIER Florian (oct. 2021-today) “Event-driven navigation of a drone in a dark environment”, coll. S. Durand (iCUBE)
NADOUR Housseyne (oct. 2018-today) “Motion capture for biomechanical optimization by means of multiple mobile sensors”, coll. L. Reveret (LJK) and P. Legreneur (LIBM)
[PDF] CARVALHO Esteban (oct. 2019-apr. 2023) “Neural learning for efficient quadrotor flight control”, coll. A. Hably (GIPSA-lab) and J.S. Dibangoye (CITI-lab)
LILLO Katia (oct. 2019-feb. 2023) “Secure inertial navigation by means of perception measurements”, coll. A. Negre (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] TRAN Trung Duc (feb. 2018-feb. 2021) “Cybersecurity of UAVs”, coll. J. M. Thiriet (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] ZHAO Zilong (oct. 2017-dec. 2020) “DATE – Extracting Knowledge from Economic Data”, coll. Jean-Louis JOB (PACTE) and B. Robu (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] TEZENAS DU MONTCEL Thibaut (oct. 2016-dec. 2019) “Obstacle avoidance and navigation using stereo vision for UAV”, coll. E. Gomez-Balderas and A. Negre (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] TELLEZ GUZMAN Jose Juan (oct. 2014-jun. 2019) “UAV's indoor autonomous navigation based on images”, coll. P. Castillo (Heudiasyc/LAFMIA), E. Gomez-Balderas and A. Negre (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] CERF Sophie (oct. 2015-may. 2019) “Dependability-Oriented Distributed Control of Cloud Services”, coll. S. Bouchenak (LIRIS) and B. Robu (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] COLMENARES VAZQUEZ Josué (nov. 2013-jun. 2018) “Conception and navigation for an hybrid terrestrial aerial robot”, coll. P. Castillo (Heudiasyc/LAFMIA), E. Gomez-Balderas (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] ALVAREZ MUNOZ Jonatan Uziel (oct. 2013-nov. 2017) “Modeling and control of VTOL vehicles with rigid manipulators”, coll. F.G. Guerrero-Castellanos (BUAP) and S. Durand (iCUBE)
[PDF] ESPITIA HOYOS Nicolas (oct. 2014-sept. 2017) “Event-based control of networks modeled by infinite dimension systems”, coll. A. Girard (LJK) and C. Prieur (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] BOISSEAU Bruno (oct. 2013-jun. 2017) “Event-based control: application to robotic systems”, coll. J.R. Martinez-Molina (GIPSA-lab), S. Durand (iCUBE) and T. Raharijaona (ISM)
[PDF] BEREKMERI Mihaly (oct. 2012-nov 2015) now post-doc at University of Manchester, “Modeling and control of cloud services, Application to MapReduce performance and dependability”, coll. S. Bouchenak (LIG before sept. 2014, LIRIS after sept. 2014) and B. Robu (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] MANECY Augustin (oct. 2011-jul. 2015) now engineer at ONERA, “Bio inspired visual control: application to the control of UAVs”, coll. S. Viollet (ISM)
[PDF] MARIE-MAGDELEINE Artem (feb. 2010-jun. 2013) now engineer at Alstom, “Transfer function caracterization of cavitating pumps”, Coll. with R. Fortes-Patella (LEGI)
[PDF] MALRAIT, Luc (oct. 2007-jun. 2012) now at Mc Laren F1, “Modeling and control of data based web servers”, Coll. with S. Bouchenak (LIG)
[PDF] DURAND, Sylvain (dec. 2007-jan. 2011) now assistant professor at ICUBE/INSA-Strasbourg, “Modeling and control of the computational power of embedded platform”, Coll. with D. Simon (INRIA)
[PDF] EL RAFEI, Maher (oct. 2005-dec. 2008) now assistant professor at Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon, “Modeling and control of an eel robot”, Coll. with M. Alamir (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] RIFAI, Hala (oct. 2005-nov. 2008) now assistant professor at Université Paris Est Créteil and Laboratoire LISSI, France “Modeling and control of insect like flapping wing robots”
[PDF] LOUVAT, Benoit (oct. 2004-feb. 2008) now in a private company in Canada “Real time image analysis for a visual servoing system embarked on a plane” , Coll. with L. Bonnaud et G. Bouvier (GIPSA-lab)
[PDF] GUERRERO, Jose-Fermi Castellanos (oct. 2004-jan. 2008) now professor at Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico “Rigid bodies attitude estimation and bounded control, application to a mini quadrotors”
[PDF] HABLY, Ahmad (oct. 2004-dec. 2007) now assistant professor at Grenoble-INP, France “Automatic control for UAV's”
Short bio
2021-today: Director of GIPSA-lab
2015-2020: Deputy director of GIPSA-lab
2011-2015: Head of Control Systems Department
Since 2013: Directeur de recherche CNRS (senior researcher)
2013: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherche” (HDR)
2008-2011: Head of SYSCO-Team
2002-2013: Chargé de recherche CNRS
2000-2002: Assistant professor at the University Paris-Sud and Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes, Orsay, France
1999-2000: Temporary teaching and research attaché (ATER) at the technological university institute of Villeurbanne, France
1996-1999: PhD student at Grenoble-INP
1995: Engineer from Grenoble-INP
(Main) Projects
2019-2022: ECOS TOBACCO with Pr. Jose-Fermi Castellanos GUERRERO at the Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
2017-2021: ARA Region project AirCAP (Part.)
2015-1018: FUI CAP2018 (Certified Autopilot for Drones) (Part.)
2013-2016: FP7 AMADEOS (Architecture for Multi-criticality Agile Dependable Evolutionary Open System-of-Systems - FP7-ICT-2013-610535) (Part.)
2010-2018: Equipex ROBOTEX (Part.), responsible of the mobile robot theme since 2019
2010-2013: SAFRAN-Snecma/CNES: Artem Marie-Magdeleine's thesis (co Resp.)
2012: EMSOC-Recherche UJF Entomoptère Volant Autonome (Resp.)
2007-2013: ANR EVA (Entomoptère Volant Autonome) (Resp.)
2005-2008: ANR RAAMO (Robot Anguille Autonome en Milieu Opaque) (Part.)
2007-2010: FUI Minalogic ARAVIS (Architecture Avancée Reconfigurable et Asynchrone pour la Vidéo et la Radio logicielle) (Part.)
2003-2007: ANR OVMI (Objet Volant Mimant l'Insecte) (Part.)
PhD and HDR boards
Anthony Brunel (11-2022), Université de Montpellier, Président du jury
Imane Khayour (09-2021), Université de Strasbourg, Rapporteur
Julio Betancourt Vera (06-2021), Université Technologique de Compiègne, Rapporteur
Guillaume Allibert (10-2010 HDR), Université Côte d'Azur, Rapporteur
Victor Millnert (09-2019), Lund University, Suède, Examinateur
Hernan Abaunza Gonzalez (04-2019), Sorbonne Universités, Université Technologique de Compiègne, Rapporteur
Yue Wang (03-2019), Université de Lille, Rapporteur
Fairouz Zobiri (02-2019), Université de Grenoble, Président du jury
Valentin Riviere (01-2019), Université Aix-Marseille, Président du jury
Quang Hui Truong (05-2018), Université de Toulouse - ISAE-SUPAERO, Rapporteur
Fabrizio Schiano (01-2018), Université de Rennes, Rapporteur
Emmanuel Roussel (10-2017), Université de Strasbourg, Rapporteur
Osamah Saif (2016), Université Technologique de Compiègne, Rapporteur
Fabien Colonnier (2015), Université Aix-Marseille, Président du jury
Diego Mercado-Ravell (2015), Université Technologique de Compiègne, Rapporteur
Nohemí Alvarez (2015), Université Paris-Sud, Rapporteur
Jean Charles Antonioli (2015), Université Aix-Marseille, Rapporteur
Lotfi Benziane (2015), Université Versailles-Saint Quentin, Rapporteur
Jory Lafaye (2015), Université de Grenoble, Président du jury
Xuan-Tu Tran (2015), Université de Grenoble, Président du jury
Henry de Plinval (2014), Université de Toulouse, Rapporteur
Corentin Chauffaut (2014), Université Technologique de Compiègne, Rapporteur et Président du jury
Guillaume Sabiron (2014), Université de Toulouse, Rapporteur
Jing Wang (2013), Université Paris-Sud, Rapporteur
Mohamed Harmouche (2013), Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, Rapporteur
Adrien Drouot (2013), Université de Lorraine, Rapporteur et Président du jury
Ayman Belkhiri (2013), Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Examinateur
Mathieu Joinié-Maurin (2012), Université de Strasbourg, Examinateur
Guillaume Sanahuja (2010), Université Technologique de Compiègne, Examinateur
Marcelin Dabo (2010), Esigelec, Examinateur
Lubin Kerhuel (2009), Université Aix-Marseille, Examinateur
Conferences committees
POSTA’06, NMPCFS’06, ACD’07, AIM’08, CCA’09, DSN’12, RED-UAS’13, SAMPTA’13, EBCCSP’15, RED-UAS’15, EBCCSP’16, CODIT’17, EBCCSP’17