The research projects are an important part of my research activities and they are the naturally correlated with my contributions synthesized here. The projects are both theoretical and application-oriented and all of them are and were subject to academic, national/international or industrial partnership. The PhD students I supervised are constantly involved in these projects and my objective is to follow up the process of including studends in these projects (see the Teaching part for some activities in this sense). The overall amount of funding of the project I was in charge (as principal investigator - PI or WP manager) exceeds 2.7 million euros (excluding PhD students funding) and more than 60% corresponds to industrial/private funding. In terms of Publications, in addition to the journal papers and conferences, I was in charge of delivering more than 50 research reports. The both theoretical and applied research activities allow me to be author of seven patents and software. Also, the acquired experience as well as the innovations I was part of allow me to contribute, as founder and scientific advisor to three start-ups.

On-going projects


Système AnalogIque Numérique multicouche pour la CYBerdéfense ou la survEillance Radio

CLASS-T: Automatic classification of Transient in Electrical network

The project is founded by Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Region (Pack Ambition Recherche program)

Improvement of multibeam sonars by exploiting the Doppler effect

This project started in September 2020 in collaboration with ECA Group, Toulon and LIS Laboratory (University of Toulon), Professor Nadège Thirion-Moreau.

ANR Australe

Authentification Unitaire Sécurisée dans les domaines THz et RFs.
Partners: IMEP-LAHC, LCIS Valence and CTP Grenoble.

Artificial Intelligence system for electrical machinery surveillance

In collaboration with EDF

Estimation of hydro-turbines efficiency using acoustic sensing

In collaboration with EDF DTG and General Electric.

Acoustic Tomography for Hydro Instantionnarities Monitoring
