9. Final Results
In this section the different results obtained by each participant, both in simulation and real-time will be presented along with a link to the web pages of each participant.In order to have a better understanding about the results, a document explaining the different measurements taken into account it is also supplied.
Also a link to the special issue of the European Journal of Control is added.
Aranovskiy results
Aranovskiy Webpage
Callafon results
Callafon Webpage
Karimi results
Karimi Webpage
Wu results
Wu Webpage
Xu results
Xu Webpage
Airimitoaie results
Castellanos FIR results
Castellanos IIR results
EJC Results
From the left to the right: Pr. Ioan-Doré Landau, Stanislav Aranovskiy, Xu Chen, Pr. Raymond A. de Callafon and Abraham Castellanos Silva.