
Par année / Par type


> Ortiz, A., Schatz, T., Hueber, T., Dupoux, E., "Simulating articulatory trajectories with phonological feature interpolation", Proc. of Interspeech, 2024, to appear


> Sankar, S., Beautemps, D., Elisei, F., Perrotin, O., Hueber, T., "Investigating the dynamics of hand and lips in French Cued Speech using attention mechanisms and CTC-based decoding", Proc. of Interspeech, 2023, pp.4978-4982 (preprint)

>Ouakrim, Y., Beautemps, D., Gouiffes, M., Hueber, T., Berthommier, F., Braffort, A. "A Multistream Model for Continuous Recognition of Lexical Unit in French Sign Language", Proc. of GRETSI, 2023, to appear (preprint)


>Georges M-A, Schwartz J-L, Hueber, T.,? "Self-supervised speech unit discovery from articulatory and acoustic features using VQ-VAE", Proc. of Interspeech, 2022, accepted for publication, to appear (preprint)

>Stephenson B., Besacier L., Girin L., Hueber T. "BERT, can HE predict contrastive focus? Predicting and controlling prominence in neural TTS using a language model", Proc. of Interspeech, 2022, accepted for publication, to appear

>Georges M-A, Diard, J., Girin, L., Schwartz J-L, Hueber, T.,? "Repeat after me: self-supervised learning of acoustic-to-articulatory mapping by vocal imitation", Proc. of ICASSP, pp. 8252-8256, 2022 (preprint)

>Sankar, S., Beautemps, D., Hueber, T., "Multistream neural architectures for cued-speech recognition using a pre-trained visual feature extractor and constrained CTC decoding", Proc. of ICASSP, pp. 8477-8481 (preprint, dataset)


>Girin L., Leglaive S., Bie X, Diard J., Hueber T., Alameda-Pineda X. (2021), ?Dynamical Variational Autoencoders: A Comprehensive Review?, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 15, No. 1-2, pp 1?175 (preprint).

>Georges M-A, Girin L., Schwartz J-L, Hueber, T., "Learning robust speech representation with an articulatory-regularized variational autoencoder", Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 3345-3349, 2021 (preprint)

>Stephenson B., Hueber T., Girin. L., Besacier., "Alternate Endings: Improving Prosody for Incremental Neural TTS with Predicted Future Text Input", Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 3865-3869, 2021 (preprint)

>Perrotin O., El Amouri H., Bailly G., Hueber, T., "Evaluating the Extrapolation Capabilities of Neural Vocoders to Extreme Pitch Values", Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 11-15, 2021 (preprint, video)

>Bie X., Girin L., Leglaive S., Hueber T., Alameda-Pineda X, "A Benchmark of Dynamical Variational Autoencoders applied to Speech Spectrogram Modeling", Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 46-50, 2021 (preprint, source code)

>Roche, F., Hueber, T., Garnier, M., Limier, S., & Girin, L. (2021). Make That Sound More Metallic: Towards a Perceptually Relevant Control of the Timbre of Synthesizer Sounds Using a Variational Autoencoder. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 4(1), pp. 52?66.


>Stephenson B., Besacier L., Girin L., Hueber T., "What the Future Brings: Investigating the Impact of Lookahead for Incremental Neural TTS", in Proc. of Interspeech, Shanghai, 2020, pp. 215-219, (preprint)

>Haldin C., Loevenbruck H., Hueber T., Marcon V., Piscicelli C., Perrier P., Chrispin A., P?rennou D., Baciu M., (2020) Speech rehabilitation in post-stroke aphasia using visual illustration of speech articulators: A case report study, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 32(7):595-621 (preprint)

>Hueber, T., Tatulli, E., Girin, L., Schwartz, J-L., "Evaluating the potential gain of auditory and audiovisual speech predictive coding using deep learning", Neural Computation, vol. 32 (3), pp. 596-625. (preprint, source code, dataset/pretrained models)


>Girod-Roux, M., Hueber, T., Fabre, D., Gerber, S., Canault, M., Bedoin, N., Acher, A., Beziaud, N., Truy, E., Badin, P.,??Rehabilitation of speech disorders following glossectomy, based on, ultrasound visual illustration and feedback", Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 34(9), 826-843 (preprint).

>Hueber, T. (2019), "Traitement automatique de la parole multimodale : application ? la suppl?ance vocale et ? la r??ducation orthophonique", Th?se d'Habilitation ? diriger des recherches, Universit? Grenoble Alpes.

>Girin, L., Roche, F., Leglaive, S., Hueber, T.??Notes on the use of variational autoencoders for speech and audio spectrogram modeling,? in Proc. of International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Birmingham, UK, 2019.

>Roche, F.,. Hueber, T., Limier, S, Girin. L., ?Autoencoders for music sound modeling : a comparison of linear, shallow, deep, recurrent and variational models?. In Proc. of SMC. Malaga, Spain, 2019.


>Liu, L., Hueber, T., Feng, G.., Beautemps, D. "Visual recognition of continuous Cued Speech using a tandem CNN-HMM approach", Proceedings of Interspeech, pp. 2643-2647 (dataset).


>Treille, A., Vilain, C., Schwartz, J-L., Hueber, T., Sato M. (2017) "Electrophysiological evidence for Audio-visuo-lingual speech integration", Neuropsychologia, vol. 109, pp. 126-133.

>Schultz, T., Hueber, T., Krusienski, D. J., Brumberg, J. S, (2017) "Introduction to the Special Issue on Biosignal-Based Spoken Communication", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2254-2256 (guest editors).

>Haldin, C., Acher, A., Kauffmann, L., Hueber, T., Cousin, E., Badin, P., Perrier P., Fabre, D., Perennou, D., Detante, O., Jaillard, A., Loevenbruck, H., Baciu, M. (2017) "Speech recovery and language plasticity can be facilitated by Sensori-Motor Fusion (SMF) training in chronic non- fluent aphasia. A case report study.", Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 32(7):595-621.

>Schultz, T., Wand, M., Hueber, T., Krusienski, D. J, Herff, C., & Brumberg, J. S, (2017) "Biosignal-based Spoken Communication: A Survey", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2257-2271 (preprint).

>Fabre, D., Hueber, T., Girin, L., Alameda-Pineda, X., Badin, P., (2017) "Automatic animation of an articulatory tongue model from ultrasound images of the vocal tract", Speech Communication, vol. 93, pp. 63-75 (preprint pdf, dataset).

>Bocquelet, F., Hueber, T., Girin, L. Chabad?s, S., Yvert, B., (2017) "Key considerations in designing a speech brain-computer interface", Journal of Physiology-Paris, vol. 110, no. 4(A). pp. 392-401

>Girin, L, Hueber, T., Alameda-Pineda, X ,(2017) Extending the Cascaded Gaussian Mixture Regression Framework for Cross-Speaker Acoustic-Articulatory Mapping, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 662-673 (preprint, source code)

>Tatulli, E., Hueber, T.,, "Feature extraction using multimodal convolutional neural networks for visual speech recognition", Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP, New Orleans, 2017, pp. 2971-2975.

>Girin, L, Hueber, T., Alameda-Pineda, X., "Adaptation of a Gaussian Mixture Regressor to a New Input Distribution: Extending the C-GMR Framework", Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA-ICA), Grenoble, France, 2017, to appear (preprint, source code).

>Treille, A, Vilain, C., Hueber, T., Lamalle, L. Sato, M. (2017) "Inside speech: multisensory and modality specific processing of tongue and lip speech actions", Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 448-466.


>Baciu, M., Acher, A., Kauffmann, L., Cousin, E., Boilley, C., Hueber, T., ... & Detante, O. (2016). Effect of visual feedback on speech recovery and language plasticity in patients with post-stroke non-fluent aphasia. Functional MRI assessment.?Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine,?59, e75-e76

>Fabre, D., Hueber, T., Canault, M., Bedoin, N., Acher, A., Bach, C., Lambourion, L. & Badin, P. (2016). Apport de l??chographie linguale ? la r??ducation orthophonique. In XVI?mes Rencontres Internationales d?Orthophonie. Orthophonie et technologies innovantes (UNADREO) (N. Joyeux & S. Topouzkhanian, Eds.), pp. 199-225. Paris, France: Ortho Edition.

>Acher, A., Fabre, D., Hueber, T., Badin, P., Detante, O., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Loevenbruck, H., Haldin, C. & Baciu, M. (2016). Retour visuel en aphasiologie : r?sultats comportementaux, acoustiques et en neuroimagerie. In XVI?mes Rencontres Internationales d?Orthophonie. Orthophonie et technologies innovantes (UNADREO) (N. Joyeux & S. Topouzkhanian, Eds.), pp. 227-260. Paris, France: Ortho Edition.

>Bocquelet F, Hueber T, Girin L, Savariaux C, Yvert B (2016) Real-Time Control of an Articulatory-Based Speech Synthesizer for Brain Computer Interfaces. PLoS Computational Biology 12(11): e1005119. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005119

>Pouget, M., Nahorna, O., Hueber, T., Bailly, G., "Adaptive Latency for Part-of-Speech Tagging in Incremental Text-to-Speech Synthesis", Proceedings of Interspeech, San Francisco, USA, 2016, pp. 2846-2850.

>Hueber, T., Bailly, G. (2016), Statistical Conversion of Silent Articulation into Audible Speech using Full-Covariance HMM, Computer Speech and Language, vol. 36, pp. 274-293 (preprint pdf).


>Hueber, T., Girin, L., Alameda-Pineda, X., Bailly, G. (2015), "Speaker-Adaptive Acoustic-Articulatory Inversion using Cascaded Gaussian Mixture Regression", in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 2246-2259 (preprint pdf - source code)

>Pouget, M., Hueber, T. Bailly, G., Baumann, T., "HMM Training Strategy for Incremental Speech Synthesis", Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, 2015, pp. 1201-1205.

>Bocquelet, D., Hueber, T., Girin, L., Savariaux, C., Yvert, B. "Real-time Control of a DNN-based Articulatory Synthesizer for Silent Speech Conversion: a pilot study", Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, 2015, pp. 2405-2409.

>Fabre, D., Hueber, T. Badin, P., "Tongue Tracking in Ultrasound Images using EigenTongue Decomposition and Artificial Neural Networks", Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, 2015, pp. 2410-2414.

>Bocquelet, F., Hueber, T., Girin, L., Savariaux, C., Yvert, B., "Real-time articulatory speech synthesis for brain-computer interfaces", Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2015 (abstract)


>Bocquelet, F., Hueber, T., Girin, L., Badin, P., Yvert, B., "Robust articulatory speech synthesis using deep neural networks for BCI applications", Proceedings of Interspeech, Singapour, Malaysia, 2014, pp. 2288-2292.

>Fabre, D., Hueber, T. & Badin, P., "Automatic animation of an articulatory tongue model from ultrasound images using Gaussian mixture regression", Proceedings of Interspeech Singapour, Malaysia, 2014, pp. 2293-2297.

>Wang, X., Hueber, T., Badin, P. "On the use of an articulatory talking head for second language pronunciation training: the case of Chinese learners of French", Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), K?ln, Germany, 2014, pp. 449-452.

>Treille, A., Vilain, C., Hueber, T., Schwartz, J.-L., Lamalle, L. & Sato, M,. Hearing tongue and seeing voices: neural correlates of audio-visuo-lingual speech perception. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), K?ln, Germany, 2014, pp. 429-432.

>Treille, A., Vilain, C., Hueber, T., Schwartz, J.-L., Lamalle, L. & Sato, M. (2014). Inside speech: neural correlates of audio-lingual speech perception. Neurobiology of Language Conference, August 27-29, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (abstract)

>Baciu, M., Cousin, E., Hueber, T., Pichat, C., Minotti, L., Krainik, A., Kahane, P., Perrone-Bertolotti, M. (2014) A combined language-memory fMRI paradigm to assess cerebral networks. 20 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping,? June 7-12, 2014, Hamburg City, Germany. (abstract)

>Hueber, T. (2014), Technologies vocales pour l?aide au handicap, Atelier Science et Voix, Grenoble, 18/06/2014 (s?minaire invit?)
>Hueber, T. (2014), Assistive speech technologies based on ultrasound imaging?,?Institut de Phon?tique de l?universit? de Munich, 30/05/2014 (s?minaire invit?)
>Hueber, T. (2014), Silent speech interfaces, Clinatec (CEA, Grenoble), ?25/04/2014. (s?minaire invit?)
>Hueber, T. (2014), Real-time Statistical Mapping between Speech Articulation and Acoustics, IRCAM Paris, 13/02/2014. (s?minaire invit?)
>Hueber, T. (2014), Vocal tract analysis using ultrasound imaging,? Universit? de Bolzano, Italie, d?partement de phon?tique, 07/03/2014. (s?minaire invit?)


>Barbulescu A., Hueber T., Bailly G., Ronfard R. "Audio-Visual Speaker Conversion using Prosody Features", Proceedings of Int. Conf of Audio-visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Annecy, France, 2013.

>Treille A.,Vilain C., Hueber T., Schwartz J-L, Lamalle L., Sato M., "The sight of your tongue: neural correlates of audio-lingual speech perception", Proceedings of Int. Conf of Audio-visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Annecy, France, 2013.

>Hueber T,. "Ultraspeech-player: Intuitive visualization of ultrasound articulatory data for speech therapy and pronunciation training", Proceedings of Interspeech (show&tell), Lyon, France, 2013, pp.752-753.

>Hueber T., Bailly G., Badin P., Elisei F., "Speaker Adaptation of an Acoustic-Articulatory Inversion Model
using Cascaded Gaussian Mixture Regressions",
Proceedings of Interspeech, Lyon, France, 2013, pp. 2753-2757.
>Hueber, T., Ultraspeech-tools: acquisition, processing and visualization of ultrasound speech data for phonetics and speech therapy, in Ultrafest VI, (Edinburgh, Scotland), 6-8 november 2013. (abstract)

>d'Alessandro, N., Tilmanne, J., Astrinaki, M, Hueber, T., Dall, R. et al. 2013, "Reactive Statistical Mapping: Towards the Sketching of Performative Control with Data", Proceedings of the 9th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'13, in Innovative and Creative Developments in Multimodal Interaction Systems - IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIP AICT), Volume 425, pp. 20-49.


>Hueber, T., Bailly, G., Denby, B., "Continuous Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping using Phone-based Trajectory HMM for a Silent Speech Interface", Proceedings of Interspeech, Portland, USA, 2012.

>Hueber T., Ben Youssef A., Bailly G., Badin P., Elis?i, F., "Cross-speaker Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion using Phone-based Trajectory HMM for Pronunciation Training", Proceedings of Interspeech, Portland, USA, 2012.

>Hueber, T., Ben Youssef, A., Badin, P., Bailly, G. & Elisei, F. (2012). Vizart3D : retour articulatoire visuel pour l'aide ? la prononciation. In 29?mes Journ?es d'Etude de la Parole (L. Besacier, B. Lecouteux & G. S?rasset, Eds.), vol. 5, pp. 17-18. Grenoble, France, juin 2012. (abstract & show&tell)


>Hueber, T., Benaroya, E.L, Denby, B., Chollet, G., "Statistical Mapping between Articulatory and Acoustic Data for an Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface", Proceedings of Interspeech, pp. 593-596, Firenze, Italia, 2011.

>Ben Youssef A., Hueber T., Badin P., Bailly G., "Toward a multi-speaker visual articulatory feedback system", Proceedings of Interspeech, Firenze, Italia, pp. 489-492, 2011.

>Cai, J., Hueber, T. Denby, B., Benaroya. E.L., Chollet, G., Roussel, P., Dreyfus G., Crevier-Buchman, L., "A Visual Speech Recognition System for an Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface", Proceedings of ICPhS, pp. 384-387, Honk Kong, 2011.

>Hueber, T., Badin, P., Savariaux, C., Vilain, C., Bailly, G., "Differences in articulatory strategies between silent, whispered and normal speech? A pilot study using electromagnetic articulography", Proceedings of International Seminar on Speech Production, Montreal, 2011.

>Ben Youssef, A., Hueber, T., Badin, P., Bailly, G., Elisei, F., "Toward a speaker-independent visual articulatory feedback system", Proceedings of International Seminar on Speech Production, Montreal, 2011.

>Denby, B., Cai, J., Hueber, T., Roussel, P., Dreyfus, G., Crevier-Buchman, L., Pillot-Loiseau, C., Chollet, G., Stone, M., "Towards a practical silent interface based on vocal tract imaging", Proceedings of International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 89-94, Montreal, 2011.
>Ben Youssef, A., Hueber, T., Badin, P., Bailly, G. & Elisei, F. (2011). Toward a speaker-independent visual articulatory feedback system. In 9th International Seminar on Speech Production, ISSP9. Montreal, Canada, 2011. (abstract)
>Hueber, T., Badin, P., Ben Youssef, A., Bailly, G. & Elisei, F. (2011). Toward a real-time and speaker-independent system of visual articulatory feedback. In SLaTE 2011, ISCA Special Interest Group on Speech and Language Technology in Education Workshop. Venice, Italy, 24-26 august 2011. (abstract)
>Hueber, T., Ben Youssef, A., Badin, P., Bailly, G. & Elisei, F. (2011). Articulatory-to-acoustic mapping: application to silent speech interface and visual articulatory feedback. In 9th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC 2011), pp. 74-75. Marseille, France, Aug 31 ? Sept 3 2011. (abstract)

>Hueber, T., Badin, P., Bailly, G., Ben Youssef, A., Elisei, F., Denby, B. & Chollet, G. (2011). Statistical mapping between articulatory and acoustic data. Application to Silent Speech Interface and Visual Articulatory Feedback. In 1st International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis [P3S]. Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 11-13.

>Hueber, T., Badin, P., Bailly, G., Ben Youssef, A., Elisei, F., (2012) Vizart3d : retour articulatoire visuel pour l?aide a la prononciation, Congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Phoniatrie et des Pathologies de la Communication, Paris, France (abstract and oral presentation, invited speaker)

>Hueber, T., Dubois, R., Roussel, P., Denby, B., and Dreyfus, G., "Device for reconstructing speech by ultrasonically probing the vocal apparatus", Patent No. WO/2011/032688, published on 24/03/2011.


>Hueber, T., Benaroya, E.L., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Dreyfus, G., Stone, M., (2010) "Development of a Silent Speech Interface Driven by Ultrasound and Optical Images of the Tongue and Lips", Speech Communication, 52(4), pp. 288-300.

>Denby, B., Schultz, T., Honda, K., Hueber, T., Gilbert, J.M., Brumberg, J.S. (2010) "Silent speech interfaces", Speech Communication, 52(4), pp. 270-287.

>Badin., P, Ben Youssef, A., Bailly, G., Elisei, F., Hueber, T. (2010), "Visual articulatory feedback for phonetic correction in second language learning", Proceedings of L2SW (Tokyo, Japan).

>Florescu, V-M., Crevier-Buchman, L., Denby, B., Hueber, T., Colazo-Simon, A., Pillot-Loiseau, C., Roussel, P. Gendrot, C., Quattrochi, S. (2010), "Silent vs Vocalized Articulation for a Portable Ultrasound-Based Silent Speech Interface", Proceedings of Interspeech (Makuari, Japan), pp. 450-453.

>Hueber, T., Chollet G. Denby. B. (2010), Ultraspeech, a portable system for acquisition of high-speed ultrasound, video and acoustic speech data, in Ultrafest V, (New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A), March 19-21. (abstract)

>Hueber, T. (2010), Speech synthesis from ultrasound and video images of the vocal tract,
toward a silent speech interface, IDIAP, Martiny, Suisse (s?minaire invit?)
>Hueber, T. (2010), Reconstitution de la parole par imagerie ultrasonore et vid?o de l?appareil vocal :
vers une communication parl?e silencieuse, ENSEA, Cergy (s?minaire invit?)


>Hueber, T., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Dreyfus, G., and Stone, M. (2009). "Visuo-Phonetic Decoding using Multi-Stream and Context-Dependent Models for an Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface," Proceedings of Interspeech (Brighton, UK),
pp. 640-643.

>Hueber, T. (2009), "Reconstitution de la parole par imagerie ultrasonore et vid?o de l?appareil vocal : vers une communication parl?e silencieuse", Th?se de doctorat, Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie.

>Hueber, T., Denby, B. (2009). "Analyse du conduit vocal par imagerie ultrasonore", L?imagerie m?dicale pour l??tude de la parole, Alain Marchal, Christian Cav?, Trait? Cognition et Traitement de l?Information, IC2, Hermes Science, pp. 147-174.

>Hueber, T. (2009), Reconstitution de la parole par imagerie ultrasonore et vid?o de l?appareil vocal, vers une communication silencieuse, IRISA, Lannion, 18/06/2009 (s?minaire invit?)


>Hueber, T., Chollet, G., Denby, B., and Stone, M. (2008). "Acquisition of ultrasound, video and acoustic speech data for a silent-speech interface application," Proceedings of International Seminar on Speech Production (Strasbourg, France),
pp. 365-369.

>Hueber, T., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Dreyfus, G., and Stone, M. (2008). "Towards a Segmental Vocoder Driven by Ultrasound and Optical Images of the Tongue and Lips," Proceedings of Interspeech (Brisbane, Australie), pp. 2028-2031.

>Hueber, T., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Dreyfus, G., and Stone, M. (2008). "Phone Recognition from Ultrasound and Optical Video Sequences for a Silent Speech Interface," Proceedings of Interspeech (Brisbane, Australia), pp. 2032-2035.

>Hueber, T., Chollet G. Denby. B. (2008), An Ultrasound-based silent speech interface, in Acoustic?08, (Paris France), June 29- July 4. (abstract)

>Hueber, T. (2008),? Synth?se de la parole ? partir d?imagerie ultrasonore et optique de l?appareil vocal, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, 18-19/12/2008 (s?minaire invit?)


>Hueber, T., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Stone, A., and Zouari, L. (2007). "Ouisper: Corpus Based Synthesis Driven by Articulatory Data," Proceedings of International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Saarbr?cken, Germany), pp. 2193-2196.

>Hueber, T., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Dreyfus, G., and Stone, M. (2007). "Continuous-Speech Phone Recognition from Ultrasound and Optical Images of the Tongue and Lips," Proceedings of Interspeech (Antwerp, Belgium), pp. 658-661.

>Hueber, T., Aversano, G., Chollet, G., Denby, B., Dreyfus, G., Oussar, Y., Roussel, P., and Stone, M. (2007). "Eigentongue feature extraction for an ultrasound-based silent speech interface," Proceedings of ICASSP (Honolulu, USA), pp. 1245-1248.

>Chollet, G., Landais, R., Hueber, T., Bredin, H., Mokbel, C., Perrot, P., Zouari, L. (2007). "Some Experiments in Audio-Visual Speech Processing", Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, vol 4885, Springer, pp. 28-56.
?>Hueber, T., Chollet G. Denby. B, Stone M., (2007) Ouisper, toward a silent speech interface, in Ultrafest IV, (New York, USA), September 28-29. (abstract)
>Hueber, T. (2007), Ouisper, vers une communication parl?e silencieuse, 06/12/2007, LORIA, INRIA, Nancy. (s?minaire invit?)


>Beller, G., Hueber, T., Schwarz, D., Rodet, X. (2006). "Speech Rates in French Expressive Speech", Proceedings of Speech Prosody, (Dresden, Allemagne), pp. 672-675.

>Hueber, T. (2006), Interface de communication en parole silencieuse, 28/11/2006, ILPGA, Paris (s?minaire invit?)

Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique laboratoire

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