- dynamical systems on networks or with infinite dimension ;
- uncertain systems and data-based models ;
- safe, controlled and monitored cyber-physical systems.

Illustration of PAD work
Photo credit © GIPSA-lab
PAD's research activities are at the heart of major projects such as Persyval-lab, PEPR "Risques", Carnot LSI and Institut MIAI. Several international projects are led by PAD researchers, including two European projects (ERC-AdG Scale-Freeback and ERC-POC e-Mob Twin) led by C. CANUDAS DE WIT.
PAD works closely with a number of industrial partners and applied research institutes, including Schneider Electric, General Electric, Rio Tinto, SEB, Renault, Volvo, EDF, Michelin, SysNav, IFP Energies Nouvelles and CEA.
Some of this research has led to the creation of start-ups, such as Amiral Technologies and Entroview.

Christophe PRIEUR
CNRS silver medal in 2024
IEEE Fellow in 2022

UGA academic thesis prize 2023
Photo credit © UGA

Hussam ATOUI
Thesis prize from the GdR MACS / Club EEA /
SAGIP, 2023
Liudmila TUMASH
Thesis prize from the GdR MACS / Club EEA /
SAGIP, 2022
Scientific events

L'école d'été d'automatique de Grenoble
Chaque année depuis 1989, le pôle PAD organise l'école d'été d'automatique de Grenoble, une école internationale pour doctorants et chercheurs.
Cycle de séminaires
Le pôle PAD propose un cycle de séminaires, organisés par M. MAGHENEM, avec des orateurs invités nationaux et internationaux.