Eye movements are easy to acquire and highly valuable for the study of cognitive processing. Their analysis presents interesting statistical challenges: scanpaths are complex spatiotemporal signals with relevant information at different spatial and temporal scales, from microsaccades to fixation patterns.

Deadline for abstract submission:  April 22 2018
Deadline for registration: May 13 2018

Invited speakers:
- Antje Nuthmann, University of Kiel
- Yulia Sandamirskaya, University of Zurich & ETH
- Jean Lorenceau, CNRS, LSP, ENS
- Jean-Michel Boucheix, LEAD-CNRS, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Nathalie Guyader, Gipsa-lab, UGA
Jean-Baptiste Durand, LJK, Grenoble INP
Alan Chauvin, LPNC, UGA
Anne Guérin, Gipsa-lab, UGA
Jean-Charles Quinton, LJK, UGA
Francis Jambon, LIG, UGA
Simon Barthelmé, Gipsa-lab, CNRS
Steeve Zozor, Gipsa-lab, CNRS

Grenoble is the largest city in the French Alps, with a large and vibrant academic community. It is easy to get to, with two major airports (Lyon & Geneva) in the vicinity and a TGV connection to Paris.

More information and registration at: eyemovements.sciencesconf.org

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