ON-ROUTE (projet IRGA)

Projet On-Route, Online Routing Recommendations in Multimodal Transportation: Impact, Potential Shortcomings, and their Mitigation.

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While electro-location and echolocation have been studied in robotics, photolocation has never been studied. Based on intermittent and aperiodic flashes of light, the Dark-NAV project aims to develop an active photo-location sensor and the associated event-based SLAM and drone navigation algorithms.

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Chaire MIAI "Bayesain Cognition and Machine Learning for Speech Communication"

The "Bayesian Cognition and Machine Learning for Speech communication" chair, a part of the Grenoble MIAI institute, brings together researchers whose areas of expertise are in the fields of Speech Communication, Cognition, Machine Learning, and Probabilistic Modeling of sensorimotor systems. The team members come from GIPSA-lab (UMR CNRS 5216) and LPNC (UMR CNRS 5105), two labs at UGA and Grenoble INP-UGA

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Classical methods of automatic control are insufficient to deal with dynamics on large networks because they scale poorly with size. This project aims at overcoming this issue by studying scalable continuous methods. In such methods, the (discrete) network and the dynamics therein (an ODE system) are replaced by a dynamics over a continuous space, such as a PDE or an integral equation defined by a graphon. Among the multiple potential applications of these tools, which include epidemics and transportation networks, this project will focus on problems of mode detection in multi-modal mobility.

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Robot Nina (equipex Robotex 2)

Nina est un robot développé au sein du Laboratoire GIPSA-lab, conçu pour l'interaction homme-machine et la recherche en intelligence artificielle. Grâce à ses capacités avancées en perception et en traitement du langage naturel, Nina peut analyser et répondre à des commandes vocales tout en s'adaptant aux besoins de ses utilisateurs. Elle est utilisée dans divers projets de recherche, notamment en robotique collaborative, en assistance aux personnes et dans l'enseignement. Son architecture ouverte permet une grande flexibilité pour l'expérimentation, faisant de Nina un outil précieux pour explorer les interactions complexes entre humains et machines.

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Theradia is based on the development of a virtual assistant responsible for adapting treatment to the patient's needs under the therapist's control, and ensuring good compliance by interacting, in a conversational mode, with patients, therapists and carers. In this way, it will act as a relay and interface between the patient, therapist and carers to support personalised digital cognitive remediation programmes.


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