I am working on the Person Re-Identification task with Alice Caplier from Gipsa-lab and Sophie Guegan Marrat from the company Atos. In my thesis' scope, I am interested in Deep Learning SOTA for Vision task and Language task. I have a big general interest around DL and other topics. Aside thesis, I am interested into IT fields, reading and enjoying Grenoble's evenings. Specifically, I like to talk about the ethics of AI and its impact on the society.
For the year 2022-2023, you can also contact me as the president of the GipsaDoc association. This association aims to organize informal events for non-permanents staffs (PhD students, post-doc, interns and others). Plus, I am ambassador of the GIANT campus that gathers all innovation industries, research labs around Grenoble. You can contact me for any topics related to these matters, I would be glad to converse about them with you.