Curriculum Vitae
Canudas-de-Wit, Carlos was born in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico in 1958. He received his B.Sc. degree in electronics and communications from the Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico in 1980. In 1984 he received his M.Sc. in the Department of Automatic Control, Grenoble, France. He was visitor researcher in 1985 at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden. In 1987 he received his Ph.D. in automatic control from the Polytechnic of Grenoble (Department of Automatic Control), France. Since then he has been working at the same department as "Director of Research at the CNRS", where He teaches and conducts research in the area of control systems. He did lead and form the NeCS GIPSA-Lab (CNRS)-INRIA team on Networked Controlled Systems from 2006-2020. He has established several industrial collaboration projects with major French companies (FRAMATOME, EDF, CEA, IFREMER, RENAULT, SCHNEIDER, ILL, IFP, ALSTOM). He has been associate editor of the IEEE-Transaction on Automatic Control, from 1992 to 1997, AUTOMATICA, from 1999 to 2002, and IEEE Transaction on Control of System Networks (2013-18), IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology (Since 2014-18). He is currently Senior editor of the Asian Journal of Control (since 2010), , and the IEEE Transaction on Control of System Networks (since 2021). He holds the presidency of the European Control Association (EUCA) for the period 2013-15, and served at the IEEE Board of Governors of the Control System Society 2011-2014. He holds the ERC Advanced-Grant 2015 Scale-FreeBack for the period 2016-2022. He is IEEE-Fellow of the IEEE Control System Society. He is also IFAC-Fellow. His research publications includes: 200 International conference papers, and 90 published papers in international journals, 5 books, 10 Book chapter, and holds 11 Patents.
Research Topics
- Control of large-scale & Complex systems
- Scale-Free modeling, estimation and control.
- Distributed estimation and control of transportation systems
- Electromobility
- Communication and control co-design in feedback systems.
- Networked Controlled systems
- Collaborative control and source seeking: application to underwater fleets.
- Energy-aware control in System on Chip
- Vehicle and Engine control & diagnostic
- Modeling and control of systems with Friction
- Robot Control: manipulators, mobile & walking robots
- Electrical Motor Control
- Orbital stabilization
Editorial responsibilities.
- Senior Editor of IEEE Transaction on Control of Networks Systems (Jan. 2021—at present).
- Associated Editor of IEEE Transaction on Control of Networks Systems (2013-2018).
- Associated Editor of IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology. 2013-2017.
- Editor of the Asian Journal of Control (since 2010)
- Past Associated Editor of AUTOMATICA 1999-2002
- Past Associated Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 1992-1997
Scientific societies:
- Member of the Comité d’administration de la SAGIP 2019-22
- Past-president of the European Control Association (EUCA) 2015-2017
- President Elect of the European Control Association (EUCA) 2013-2015.
- Vise-president of the European Control Association (EUCA) 2011-2012.
- Member of the EUCA council since 2010
- Member of the Board of Governor (BoG) of the IEEE Control System Society (CSS). Elected member 2012-2016.
- Member of the Board of Governors (BoG) of the IEEE Control System Society (CSS). Appointed member 2011.
Scientific Committees
- General Chair du IEEE Control and Decision Conference, CDC-2019, Nice, France
- Comité d’évaluation INRIA (CE). Membre élu. Sept. 2019-2023.
- Member of the COST-INRIA-RA (Conseil d’Orientation Scientifique et Technologique)2008-10, and 2017--on.
- Panel Evaluator committee of the Consolidated ERC program 2017, 2019.
- Member of the advisory board 2017-21 project on ”Societal-Scale Cyber-Physical Transport Systems” supported by the Swedish Strategic Research Foundation, KTH Sweeden.
- IFAC Member of the technical committee on” Vehicle control”, and ”systems and networks”
- Member of the panel ; "International Workshop on the Impact of Control: Past, Present, and Future” at Berchtesgaden, Germany in Oct. 2009. and ” International Workshop on The Future of Control in Transportation Systems," May 27-29, 2010, , Benevento, Italy
- Participant (par invitation) “Concertations meetings Panels” at Brussels. ICT-CORDIS, EU. Panels contributing to the EU scientific program definitions, and the H2020 program.
- European project Evaluator ICT-CORDIS, EU on the following programs :
- Cognitive Systems and Robotics, FP7-ICT-2012.
- Cognitive Systems and Robotics, FP7-ICT-2011
- Factories of the Future : FP7-2010-NMP-ICT-FoF
- FP6 program on Embedded Systems and Control 2010
- European reviewer for the Chat project (http ://
- AERES evaluation panel for the Rocquencourt CRI-2008.
- Member of the ”Expert Committee” at CNRS-section 07, 2009
Distinctions :
- ERC Advanced Grant 2015 Scale-FreeBack 2016-2022
- IFAC Fellow 2017 of the International Federation of Automatic Control
- IEEE Fellow 2016 of the IEEE Control System Society
- Russell Severance Springer Chair (Berkeley, USA), April 2017
- Best PhD thesis of the INP (award) for the PhD. student Giovanni DE Nunzio(2016)
- Distinguished lecturer at the IEEE Control System Society 2013-2015
- Invited professor at the University of Seville from 2004-2005.
- Invited researcher at Ford Scientific Research Center, July 2000.
- Best student paper award: Ph.D. Dolcini “IFAC-Symposium on Mechatronic Heidelberg, 2006”.
Plenaries, Key notes & Pitch talks:
- Key note at Workshop on Resilient Control of Infrastructure Networks, Milano Sept.2019 “Scales Paradigms in Control of Large-scale networks”.
- Key note at the Dagstuhl Seminar Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems at Schloss Dagstuhl, (May 2019, Germany).
- Plenary: “Model and Control of Large scale systems”. IFAC-NeCYS'18 (Groningen, Netherlands, August, 18),
- Plenary: Control of Large scale Urban networks: a new perspective. IFAC-CTS'18 (June, Savone, Italy)
- Pitch talk. “Scale-FreeBack” Transport Research Arena, Vienna, April 2018
- Key note: "Toward scale-free modeling and control". Oxford, UK, Nov. 2017.
- Key note: "Eco-driving and green waves". EPF, Lausanne. Oct 2017.
- 5 Key notes under t he Russell Severance Springer Chair program (Berkeley, USA), April 2017
- Plenary Lecture at the Latin American Control Conference (Medellin, Colombia Oct 2016)
- Keynote speaker at the transportation seminar series, Fall 2015. At the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) and the Transportation Program of the Civil and Environmental Engineering. Department at the University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Semi-plenary lecture"Fun-to-drive by feedback”. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2005, Seville, Spain
- Plenary lecture “Virtual constraints: a tool for walking robot control and balancing”,IFAC workshop SYROCO’03, Wroclaw, Poland
Organization/participation to International Conference events
- General Chair for the IEEE-Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2019.
- Organization of the of the “ workshop on “Modelling Reduction Tools for Large Scale Complex Networks” 21-22 Sept 2017, Grenoble.
- Scientific coordinator, of the “Advanced algorithms for traffic prediction and control” 37th International Summer School of Automatic Control Sept, 12-16, 2016, Grenoble.
- General Chair of the European Control Conference, Strasbourg, July 2014. (
- General Chair du IFAC Workshop NecSyS’10, Annecy, France Sept. 2010.
- CCA Program Chair of the IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC’09)—Control Application, Saint Petersburg, June 2009, Russia.
- CCA Vise Chair on invited session. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC’07).
- CDC’s participations as area coordinator, program committee, etc.
- Summers school organizations on the topics of robot control 1992, modeling and Control of Electrical machines 1997, and Vehicle control 2002.
- General Chairman of the “IFAC-Motion Control”, Sept. 1998, Grenoble.