
Olivier Aycard is a full Professor in computer science at PHELMA engineering school of Grenoble Institute of Technology and member of the robotics group COPERNIC of the GIPSA Lab.

He obtained his PhD in computer science with a specialisation in robotics and perception at LORIA in Nancy in June 1998. He was then recruited as an associate professor in the computer science department of University of Grenoble Alpes in october 1999 and has been a member of the LIG from 2007 to 2023. From 2003 to 2013, he worked in the field of perception for intelligent vehicles in several major European projects in cooperation with car manufacturers: european IP Interactive (01/2010-07/2013), European IP PReVENT (02/2004-08/2008) and European STREP Intersafe2 (06/2008-06/2011). Since 2014, he has been interested in perception and interaction in mobile and industrial robotics and has been involved in leading several local research projects: RHUM action team of labex persyval (2015-2018), CDP circular (2018-2021). He has published more than 60 papers at international conferences and journals in the field of perception and robotics. He also teaches a number of courses in algorithms and programming, artificial intelligence and perception/robotics at UFR IM2AG, POLYTECH Grenoble, ENSIMAG, ENSE3 and PHELMA.

He is currently working on active and multimodal perception for (i) safety of humans sharing their workspace with a robotic arm (Project SARA-PC2 funded by the french Banque Publique d'Investissement, page 75) and LSI carnot in cooperation with Enchanted Tools and for (ii) objects grasping in nuclear environment (project AMORAC) in cooperation with framatome. Moreover, he is leading the Cross Disciplinary Project BOOT "roBOts for real wOrld interacTion (9/2022-1/2026, 850 keuros, 35 partners, 9 laboratories). 

You can find my old pages at LIG: here