Introduction to mobile robotics
Outline of lectures
Lecture 1: introduction to mobile robotics
Lecture 2: introduction to perception + advanced perception (DATMO)
Lecture 3: advanced perception (localization)
- Introduction to localization + video;
- Formalization of localization problem: Discrete bayesian filter;
- A very complete tutorial on localization/mapping/SLAM could be found here;
- Web page of Dieter Fox could be found here.
Outline of labs
You can download all the source files needed for the labs: here and the configurations files for the labs: here
PC for the labs and projects
Troubleshooting help for labs
Lab 1: tutorial on ROS
Lab 2: basic "follow me" behavior (perception part)
Lab 3: basic "follow me" behavior (control part, ONLY for students of computer science master) + advanced "follow me" behavior
Lab 4: lab on localization
Complements (to be updated)
Examples of commercial robots:
- Google car + tesla.
- Industrial collaborative robots;
- Robot trash;
- Robot cleaner;
- Robot carrier and follower + here;
- Robot delivery;
- Robot Helper in the Restaurant;
- Companion robots + buddy and pepper;
- Misc.
lecture on control + lab on control (updated on 17/02/2020, ONLY for students of computer science master)
- Lecture on control
- Introduction to control;
- A very complete tutorial on action/control could be found here;
- How to implement a PID controller (in french) ?
- Lab on control
- Lecture on control
week 4: decision part of follow me behavior (updated on 17/02/2020)
- Architecture of the Follow me behavior;
- Follow me behavior (decision part);
- Tests of decision+action nodes + video1 + video2;
- Tests of the complete architecture + video1 + video2.
- A very complete tutorial on decision/planning could be found here or here.
week 6 (updated on 04/03/2020):
An example of exam could be found here.